TECHSPEC®硒化锌窗口片是大量红外应用的理想选择,包括热成像、FLIR和医疗系统。这种化学气相沉积材料具有低吸收系数和高抗热冲击特性,因此在二氧化碳激光系统中得到广泛应用。硒化锌(ZnSe)是一种相对较软的材料,其努氏硬度只有120,容易划伤,因此不建议在恶劣的环境中使用。在使用 TECHSPEC® 硒化锌窗口片时,应均匀施压并戴上乳胶指套或手套,以防止污染。这些窗口片有未镀膜的,也有宽带增透镀膜版本的,直径从 5 毫米到 127 毫米不等。
请注意: 硒化锌(ZnSe)是一种有毒物质,在处理时应特别小心。始终戴上橡胶或塑料手套以避免污染的风险。
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Typical visible transmission of a 3mm thick ZnSe window coated with BBAR (1650-3000nm), BBAR (3000-12000nm), and BBAR (8000-12000nm coating). This data is outside the design wavelength range of the BBAR coatings and thus is not guarenteed, but provides a reference for visible guide laser useage. |
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Typical transmission of a 3mm thick ZnSe window with BBAR (1650-3000nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Ravg <1% @ 1650 - 3000nm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick ZnSe window with BBAR (3000-12000nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Ravg <5.0% @ 3 - 12μm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Typical transmission of a 3mm thick ZnSe window with BBAR (8000-12000nm) coating at 0° AOI. The blue shaded region indicates the coating design wavelengh range, with the following specification: Ravg ≤0.5% @ 8 - 12μm Data outside this range is not guaranteed and is for reference only. |
Copyright 2023, 爱特蒙特光学(深圳)有限公司。— 广东省深圳市龙华工业东路利金城科技工业园3栋5楼 518109 - 粤ICP备2021068591号